ReadyPDF Prepress Server

PDF Cleansing & Optimizations v9.1 Enhancements
ReadyPDF optimizes PDF files so they process more efficiently for e-delivery, archiving, and production printing. ReadyPDF combines several customized PDF optimization technologies along with Solimar’s own technology under one solution which provides a high degree of functionality and robustness for high-volume print environments. The main areas of enhancements version 9.1 introduces are related to a new ReadyPDF server bundle, obfuscation functionality, enhanced performance, and several new settings for handling additional optimizations.
ReadyPDF was first introduced as a conversion Module in Solimar’s Print Director Enterprise solution. This solution supports a wide variety of transforms that companies may not encounter, such as LCDS, Metacode, and AFP. To accommodate companies that primarily only support PDF, VIPP, and PostScript files we have introduced the ReadyPDF Server. This provides a lower cost of entry solution compared to Print Director Enterprise edition along with a trimmed-down interface that simplifies the support and configuration of ReadyPDF.
The ReadyPDF Server includes the most common connectivity options to receive files via hot folders and print queues, the fully-featured ReadyPDF Optimization Module along with a PDF to TIFF conversion. The PDF to TIFF conversion supports full color and is useful to test RIP times of your PDF files before and after optimizing them without having to print them.
The new Obfuscation feature will scramble all of the text in PDF files or you can provide a list of exclusions for static content that you don’t want changed so fields are still recognizable. The excluded text mappings will be maintained for each instance of the word in the document and is reset for each new file. The replaced text is replaced with the same type of characters so that numbers remain numbers and text stays as text. The Obfuscation feature is useful when files contain confidential data that need to be shared with 3rd parties to support situations such as testing, proofs-of-concept, and development.
Additional font management has been added for font consolidation and the removal of unneeded fonts for additional font types and situations.
The image optimizations have additional controls for downsampling various image types to reduce file sizes and document complexity. This includes downsampling 16-bit images to 8 bit and discarding alternate images.
And lastly, ReadyPDF 9.1 has several additional features related to reducing document overhead by removing unnecessary content related to objects and user data such as file attachments, fonts, layers, forms, javascript, metadata and content that is off the page. The optimization now supports de-duping page content by casting the content as a form XObject and consolidates duplicate Xobjects. This all means that there’s a lot of areas the optimization encompasses to make your PDF files more productive.
Whether our clients need a “today” solution or something more strategic that will define their future way of operating, we have options for them. All of Solimar products make up our modular and integrated Chemistry platform of workflow solutions for print and digital delivery. Like in a relationship, you want chemistry in the processes that create and deliver your communications. And modular means our clients can start with what they need and grow into their ideal production and delivery workflow solution.
For more information, call the Solimar Sales Team at +1.619.849.2800.