Solimar Technical Support - FTP Site Information

Customers on active support may download the latest software versions, printer drivers, and other files from our FTP site. Version updates require a password which can be obtained by emailing or calling the Solimar Technical Support Department at +1.619.849.2800 and provide your system key number(s).

Open FTP Site

Access the Solimar FTP site to download the latest products
(Username and password required.)


Create FTP Account

Contact support to begin creating your valid account to access the Solimar FTP site.


Contact Support

Have questions or technical issues? No problem. Our award winning support technicians are here to help.


Product Release & Version Levels

Product NameVersionBuild
Solimar License Server3.3442
Solimar Print Director Enterprise9.32791
Solimar Print/Director5.171617
Solimar Indexing Tools4.11596
SOLsearcher Enterprise4.11596

Sending Confidential Data

At Solimar, we understand the importance of confidentiality and have implemented processes to help assure the appropriate handling of confidential data. Managing confidentiality involves restricting and controlling access to information. Your handling of confidential information is an important part of these processes.

Unless you have been granted written permission by an authorized Solimar representative, please do not send confidential data to Solimar by any method. You accept the risk of loss of confidentiality for sending data to Solimar without such authorization, for failing to encrypt the data, or for failing to follow the directions for sending it to Solimar.

Also, depending on the circumstances, we may not be agreeable to receiving your data.

We recommend you remove personal information or create test or “dummy” data when sharing information outside of your organization. In particular, we do not want personal health information (PHI), though we may be willing to receive such information for a services fee for the additional effort involved in managing such PHI. In any event, you may not send us such data without our written pre-approval.

If you believe you need to send confidential data to us, please send a detailed email to

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sending Files

For sending files to Solimar, Click Here to open the FTP site.

For current customers, upload zip files to the Incoming/Tech_Support/ directory. Clients sending files for testing with Solimar products, upload zip files to the Incoming/Test_Files/ directory. Once files are uploaded, please email your Solimar Systems Analyst, with the name of your file(s) and information pertaining to them.