Professional & Custom Services
Solimar Systems gladly offers on-site custom installation, configuration and training for all Solimar solutions. While Solimar products are customer installable and configurable, Solimar technicians can provide on-site expertise in host systems and printer communications, data and document optimizations for printing, eDelivery and more.
Pre-sales Support
The Solimar Sales Support Team works with customers and resellers and offers the following services:
Web Presentations
Meet us live - online! Let us show you the many benefits and features of Solimar solutions and how these can greatly enhance and impact your company's infrastructure and profitability.
Custom Configurations
Let us design your perfect system. Solimar solutions uniquely address virtually all network, midrange, and mainframe print requirements including physical connectivity, data stream transforms, and job management.
File Testing
Go for a test drive! Let us test some of your applications and demonstrate to you the power and flexibility of Solimar solutions.
Demo CDs
Order your CD today! Watch and see how easily Solimar solutions integrate and improve production printing and archiving environments.
We were able to reduce our customer project turnaround time by 75%...other automated improvements helped increase our production output by approximately 200%Anthony Fenner, Manager Application Development Apex Information Technologies
With the built-in software automation, the Solimar solution has increased our overall output production by 15%Alvaro Diaz, General Manager AMF Impresion Variable S. A