Industry Recognition: Solimar is Acknowledged for Inkjet and Workflow Solutions

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This episode topic centers around industry awards and the recognition Solimar Systems has received during the first half of 2018.
Why is this important? At Solimar, it is a part of our culture to be client-first and value the relationships we build with companies across industries. This strong connection enables us to engage, while at the same time, understand at a deeper level the environments our solutions are working within. The result is more innovation, less downtime, and more productivity.
The awards received in the first half of 2018 are important recognition; not only for the Solimar team but for our clients who are tackling their print and digital communications workflow challenges head on…and in the face of ever-changing regulations and market conditions. During this podcast—or in our terms, SOLicast—you will learn how our clients and Solimar experts band together to drive success within an organization’s print and delivery environments. And the data behind it that resonates with audiences around the globe.
Whether you are sitting at your desk, have a minute between tasks on the go or want to listen while you workout—you can download this SOLicast and listen on-demand. Or listen right here from our website. Then, be sure to explore our other content via our Empowering Chemistry newsletters, our blogs or our other recorded SOLicasts. We hope you find it beneficial and, as always, we are just one contact page away for you to get your questions answered.
For more information, call the Solimar Sales Team at +1.619.849.2800.