Post-Composition Print and Digital File Enhancement is Proven by Clients to be Critical

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This edition of the Solimar Systems SOLicast takes a closer look at what we in the business call “Post-Composition Document Re-engineering and Transform” tools. Well, that is a mouth full and not everyone today really understands why these print and digital communication tools are essential for production environments, especially those that serve to produce high-volumes of communications that are delivered to end-users or customers. We invite you to join us as we describe what we mean by post-composition tools sets.
This podcast will also share insights from our end-users…actual clients that presented at our Solimar Customer Advisory Council Fall meeting in Chicago as part of the events surrounding PRINT 18. It is the voice of our customers that we feel is important to share with the rest of the print and digital communications industry. Whether your organization is printing and mailing direct mail, advertising and promotional content, transactional documents like bills and statements or other forms of communications that go out with importance or regularity, we believe this SOLicast will give you some food for thought. And we hope the examples from our clients will provide you with some insight into how you could leverage similar capabilities to drive future business opportunities while reducing the operating expenses of your print and digital delivery processes.
The Solimar SOLicast is available anywhere you are, so make sure you tune in right here on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. You may also download it so that you have it right at your fingertips while you are on the move…even without WiFi! And as always, please reach out to your team here at Solimar with any questions about print, reengineering, enhancements, workflow, dashboards, reporting, and more. You can contact us right here through the website via multiple channels.
We look forward to working with you.
For more information, call the Solimar Sales Team at +1.619.849.2800.