In Printing, Not All File Transforms Are Created Equal

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Welcome back to another edition of the Solimar Systems SOLicast. In this episode, the topic may seem a little bit like Throwback Thursday with a focus on print-file to print-file transforms. Some people may think of this as a print-file conversion as well. Or it might also fall into the lingo of Document Reengineering.
This podcast discusses transforms and why not all transforms out on the market are created equal. The topic comes to mind as we continue to see organizations looking for solutions to their printing process problems while trying to make decisions on a defined, and sometimes constrained, budget.
Join us for this SOLicast recording as we describe the viewpoint our team here at Solimar takes with even the most straightforward transform. Sure, there are many ways to take AFP to PDF or Metacode to PDF. You might even need something more obscure like PCL to Metacode. The real question is will the method you choose today help you win business and reduce costs of operation in the future? And, in turn, can the solution you pick actually open the doors to a more capable and powerful workflow or process in your print operations?
We believe you will find some good food for thought in this episode. And our Solimar SOLicast is available anywhere you are, so make sure you tune in right here on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. You may also download it so that you have it right at your fingertips while you are on the move…even without WiFi! And as always, please reach out to your team here at Solimar with any questions about print, reengineering, enhancements, workflow, dashboards, reporting, and more. You may contact us right here through the website via multiple channels.
We look forward to working with you.
For more information, call the Solimar Sales Team at +1.619.849.2800.