Empowering ChemistryNewsletter - October 2018

Solimar Systems is recognized for two products in this year's RED HOT Technology program at PRINT18!
This year Solimar Systems received two RED HOT Technology awards at the PRINT18 show in Chicago. Our Chemistry™ Workflow Automation and Oversight Platform received an award in the Workflow Automation Systems category while the Solimar Augmented Reality (AR) offering received an award for Marketing & Multi-channel Solutions.

What Customers Are Saying:
Wolverine Solutions Group’s CEO Talks Enabling Business Through Strong Ties with Solimar
Tune in to this short video from Robert Tokar, CEO of Wolverine Solutions Group, as he shares his perspective on Solimar Systems and how we have helped them capture new business while staying ahead of the technology curve for over 20 years… Watch now.

A New Wind Blows in Chicago: New Insight and Innovations Move the Solimar Customer Advisory Council Ahead
Following a busy PRINT 18, we share the purpose and outcomes from the fall Solimar CAC meeting along with resources for leveraging their insights… Read Now.

Now Is the Time to Review Your Print and Digital Production Processes
Taking a step back and looking at your print and digital communications process is important; it can also result in significant business process improvement, expense reduction and increased business opportunities. Follow the link to gain Dan Adler’s, Chief Relationship Officer (CRO), perspective of the importance of a workflow review… Read more.

Solimar On-The-Road:
Fall Events Propel the Print Industry to a Successful Year End
August through October has given our team the opportunity to attend impactful events that are shaping the print and digital communications industry. Whether you are looking at mailing, CCM, inkjet printing or Augmented Reality (AR), we have you covered with this events look back… Read more.

Post-Composition Print and Digital File Enhancement is Proven by Clients to be Critical
Join Jonathan Malone-McGrew, Director of Communications and Engagement at Solimar, for our latest SOLicast recording that discusses the relevance of post-composition document transformation and enhancement. Is it still critical today?… Play the podcast.

Unlock the Power of Print, Workflow and AR in 6 Easy Steps
Being able to leverage new technology requires the ability to educate yourself and your team. At Solimar, we make it easy to follow the included infographic to unlock your success in the latest customer communications technologies… Read more.

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