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How to Increase Your Profitability & Productivity Through Workflow Optimization – Electronic Document Efficiencies: Unlocking Data – Part 4 of 5

(Length: 4:45)

By implementing electronic document workflows, businesses worldwide are discovering tremendous efficiencies, cost savings, and new revenue opportunities. By converting printed output to digital formats, companies can unlock data, enhance document presentation, integrate information across departments, and create new value.

Solimar Systems software solutions help organizations optimize workflows using solutions for print file conversion, production job management, document re-engineering, online presentment, and archiving. With Solimar, unlocking the power of your printed communications is simple and cost-effective.

Reduce Costs Through Increased Efficiency

For one customer, implementing Solimar’s electronic workflow solutions led to an estimated $6 million in annual savings on printing and labor. Their previous process required manually printing statements and then re-keying data into accounting systems. Now, data is automatically extracted, exported to spreadsheets, and integrated with invoices and reports. The savings delivered a full return on investment in less than four days.

Tap Hidden Data for Marketing and Analytics

Printed documents contain data that other departments can utilize for marketing, customer analytics, and more. Using data mining tools, customers extract information from print files to feed marketing automation, personalize messaging in transpromo documents, build customer profiles, and track campaign performance.

Enhance the Customer Experience

Online presentment allows customers to view enhanced digital versions of statements and other documents. Inserts can be updated with new offers, print content reformatted for web delivery, and videos, links, and other multimedia added to create engaging experiences. The ability to track link clicks provides insight into customer behavior. Presenting printed communications digitally strengthens customer relationships.

Drive New Revenue

With printed pieces, companies deliver static information with limited potential for monetization. Electronically presented documents open opportunities to generate revenue through targeted advertising, dynamic special offers, and more. Customers can charge back advertisers based on web tracking analytics. Digital enhancement turns mundane documents into avenues to grow your business.

Unlock Potential with Solimar Systems

Solimar’s solutions remove technology barriers to digitally transforming your print workflows. With Solimar, it has never been easier or more affordable to reduce costs, gain business intelligence, strengthen customer relationships, and identify new profit centers hidden within your organization’s printed communications.

Mary Ann Rowan - Solimar Press Contact

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