Top Search Results

Solimar Systems, CSUN, PDF, Accessible PDF, Augmented Reality, AR, Whitepaper Factory, Rubika, Chemistry, Assistive Technology

CSUN 2017 – Making documents accessible for everyone

At the 2017 Conference, we'll be talking about our award-winning solutions, automating workflow processes and managing enterprise document delivery with their Accessibility Engine. Dan Beery, our Vice President, Product & Strategy Development, will be delivering a presentation “Converting legacy consumer statements to Accessible PDF”

Search Results

Solimar Systems, CSUN, PDF, Accessible PDF, Augmented Reality, AR, Whitepaper Factory, Rubika, Chemistry, Assistive Technology

CSUN 2017 – Making documents accessible for everyone

At the 2017 Conference, we'll be talking about our award-winning solutions, automating workflow processes and managing enterprise document delivery with their Accessibility Engine. Dan Beery, our Vice President, Product & Strategy Development, will be delivering a presentation “Converting legacy consumer statements to Accessible PDF”