Business Profile
Privately held outsource service provider offers technology-based solutions targeted at document web presentment, postage optimization, electronic billing and payment, remittance processing, and intelligent data management.
Service bureau
Charlotte, NC
Business Solution
- Document Re-engineering
- Output Management
- PDF-based Workflow
Solimar Products
- Rubika™
- SOLindexer™
- Solimar® Print Director™ Enterprise (SPDE)
- XCHANGE::PostScript
- PostScript::PDF
- SCS::3211
- TCP/IP Output
- SOLfusion™
- $2.7 million in new sales revenue
- 13,000 savings per year by performing PDF indexing internally
- $64,000 savings per year in postal discounts

Solimar Technology Generates Millions in New Sales for Cash Cycle Solutions, Inc.
Cash Cycle Solutions, Inc., is a leading provider of outsourced transaction processing services based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Formed when its predecessor entity, Total Billings, Inc., acquired Utility Business Services, Inc. (UBS), Cash Cycle Solutions (CCS) combined over 70 years of industry experience creating a comprehensive suite of outsourced transaction processing solutions. CCS acquired and merged with San Diego-based ZDI, Inc. creating a true national presence in the print and mail and digital solutions industry. Today, the company serves hundreds of customers coast to coast from its four locations – Charlotte and Durham, North Carolina; San Diego, California; and Union, New Jersey.
In delivering its flexible suite of traditional processing and digital platforms, CCS combines proprietary technology with state-of-the-art operations centers. From statement rendering and postal processing, to invoice calculation and document archival/ retrieval and to remittance processing and intelligent data analysis and tracking, the technology opens a portal of visibility into the daily activities of the cash cycle that did not exist prior to its development.
Solimar Systems recently interviewed Dana Benson, Director of Professional Services at Cash Cycle Solutions, Inc. to discuss how implementing Solimar technology has enabled new revenue opportunities while reducing operational expenses.
“Solimar’s Rubika solution has enabled $2.7+ million worth of new business for us.”
Dana Benson
Cash Cycle Solutions
Cash Cycle Solutions identified a shortfall with their current production workflow. An area of particular concern was their PDF-based data stream projects where they wanted to achieve postal processing discounts and leverage barcoding automation. Due to limited technology they were unable to process PDF input files to achieve any sort of postal discounts. In addition, they could not benefit from production efficiencies using barcoding to support insertion and finishing equipment.
Another limitation identified was the inability to fully automate their normal production workflow when PDF-based jobs were involved. In addition, they could not index PDF files and were forced to outsource this function to another vendor.
The greatest challenge of all was that they were unable to execute some new client contracts because of the workflow limitations, which meant lost sales revenue.
Cash Cycle Solutions researched several potential solutions to address their PDF workflow limitations. Their criteria included selecting a vendor that could provide high quality product training and had an experienced technical support staff. They wanted a knowledgeable vendor that would help them ramp up quickly and efficiently into production. “Solimar is very well known within the industry and is considered the de facto standard Output Management experts. Our confidence level in selecting Solimar as our workflow vendor was very high,” said Dana Benson, Director of Professional Services at Cash Cycle Solutions. Cash Cycle Solutions felt that none of the solutions matched up to Solimar’s Rubika™ price to performance ratio. “While other vendors seemed to have comparable tools, the price and usability did not stack up against Solimar’s Rubika product,” added Benson.
“We already had a great relationship with Solimar with our Solimar Print Director Enterprise system, so it was a natural fit to use complementary solutions such as Rubika from Solimar,” added Benson. “Once all the product details were researched, it ended up being an easy decision – we chose the Solimar Rubika solution.”
The Rubika implementation has proven to be a large success at Cash Cycle Solutions. Rubika has been shown to increase revenues while decreasing expenses. Due to Rubika’s robust PDF processing functionality, they are now able to execute client jobs that previously they could not accept. Rubika has provided Cash Cycle Solutions new capabilities to attract new jobs, increase their sales revenue and grow their business. “Solimar’s Rubika solution has enabled us to close $2.7 million worth of new business so far,” said Benson.
“Solimar’s support has been above and beyond what we receive from other vendors.”
Dana Benson
Cash Cycle Solutions
Using Rubika, Cash Cycle Solutions can now accept incoming PDF files as a data stream, extract data for postal discount processing, insert the data back into the data stream, re-sort the order for correct mailing optimization, and apply barcoding for insertion efficiencies. “Rubika is saving our clients over $64,000 per year by enabling postal processing discounts,” said Benson. In addition, they can now remove, add, or move data as requested by clients. They also have the ability to fully automate the entire production process, including the generation of internal reports needed for processing and invoicing.
Cash Cycle Solutions also uses Rubika to process output files from various jobs and co-mingle them into a single file to improve production efficiencies such as reducing the number of jobs to be printed, tracked, inserted, and mailed. Using Rubika, the optimized data stream enables postal discounts for mail that would have been previously mailed without discounts.
Rubika has allowed Cash Cycle Solutions to bring back in-house all of the previously outsourced PDF indexing jobs, thus saving over $13,000 per year. This allowed Cash Cycle Solutions to provide the indexing required by clients along with the ability to perform fast document searching when needed. “Solimar’s software automation solutions have allowed us to drastically cut our workflow expenses,” said Benson.
Cash Cycle Solutions also can now solve production issues faster by using Rubika to extract and apply barcoding. Prior to using Rubika, a time-consuming and expensive application re-write would have been required to accomplish the same goal.