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CSUN 2017 – Making documents accessible for everyone
Assistive Technologies
The 32nd CSUN Assistive Technology Conference (CSUN) held by California State University Northridge has become an international conference for hands-on interaction with the latest Assistive Technologies. The conference is unique being sponsored by a University. Previous conferences showcased sessions and demonstrations from 100’s of exhibitors.
“The conference provides a unique opportunity for people with disabilities to have direct input on the creation of or modifications to Assistive Technologies intended to make their lives easier.” CSUN Today.
The conference is known for the release of leading Assistive Technology; the 2016 show was the year of Braille tech and the integration of Android devices.
New Solimar Systems team members? Unfortunately not.
Accessible PDF
At the 2017 Conference, we’ll be talking about our award-winning solutions, automating workflow processes and managing enterprise document delivery with our Accessibility Engine. Dan Beery, our Vice President, Product & Strategy Development, will be delivering a presentation “Converting legacy consumer statements to Accessible PDF” covering creating, delivering, and managing consumer facing transactional documents.
The Accessibility Engine
The Solimar Accessibility Engine enables transactional document delivery to be compliant with section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Workflows are automated to tag very large volumes of transactional PDF content post-composition to create PDF/UA (accessible PDF) files. Accessible PDF files can be created from non-PDF source print data such as AFP, IPDS, LCDS, Metacode, PCL, PostScript and VIPP®.
CSUN’s involvement with Assistive Technology started in 1961, preceding section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. Previous conferences were attended primarily by people with disabilities, as well as buyers, rehabilitation agency professionals, vendors, and distributors.
“CSUN’s conference is unique; the educational benefits sit alongside the commercial applications and solutions. The drivers of the technology are as unique; regulatory compliance and giving people access and independence. Join us at the 2017 CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in San Diego, we look forward to sharing our technology and knowledge, saying hi to our partners, friends and most important the end users of the workflow process.”
Dan Beery, VP Product & Strategy Development
If you haven’t done so yet, come and see us at CSUN today or tomorrow, and let’s see what our Accessibility Engine can do for you.
Your Solimar Systems Team
Meet Matt and Jennifer during CSUN 2017.
For more information, call the Solimar Sales Team at +1.619.849.2800.