Be Ready! Read the Research!

What are you reading to stay current on the solutions and techniques that can help you stay efficient? Popular choices are industry blogs and product literature, but you may also be listening to some of the great podcasts available in our industry. One other choice can bring insight to your decision-making – reading whitepapers!
When you see a whitepaper published that is downloadable, take the time to grab it and read it. Most whitepapers will not take more than a half-hour of your time because the writers and their sponsors know your time is valuable. They want to bring you actionable information so that you can grow and expand your business. The whitepaper format can feature data and longer explanations to help your decision-making.
Take the Keypoint Intelligence (KPI) whitepaper that discusses their testing using Solimar ReadyPDF as an example. Solimar has a relationship with Keypoint Intelligence that allows the KPI team to use files before and after ReadyPDF optimization to test print set-ups from their client hardware vendors. This symbiotic relationship generates volumes of data that helps the Solimar team tune their solution and to gain a greater understanding of the impact of different configurations on the various Digital Front Ends in use across light, mid, and heavy production print devices.
The whitepaper produced by KPI brings their insight into the value of optimizing files in today’s fast-paced production environment where the diversity of creation tools leads to PDFs that are often built inefficiently. By focusing on the value of running files at the rated speed of the device, the whitepaper brings data and analysis to the table. But it doesn’t stop there. Another story that emerges is the value of file size reduction on every element of the workflow as well as electronic archives and document storage.
The longer format of the whitepaper brings tables with fine detail to help you map the types of files you process to the types tested. That type of detail is difficult to spotlight in short blogs, presentations and podcasts. It also brings the background from on-going KPI research to the ReadyPDF story.
Grab your favorite beverage, find a comfortable chair, and take some time to read the Keypoint Intelligence whitepaper Optimization: The Better Way to Boost Print Shop Performance. Don’t stop there! Key an eye on whitepaper offerings across the industry to dig deeper into how to become more efficient.
This is a SOLiblog guest post by Pat McGrew, Managing Director of McGrewGroup. Find Pat via LinkedIn, Twitter or the McGrewGroup website.

Pat McGrew
Managing Director – McGrewGroup
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About the Author
Leveraging years of analyst, industry evangelist and customer-touch positions in workflow and inkjet, Pat helps customers in all print segments. An experienced professional speaker, author and editor, Pat holds many certifications and awards. She holds certifications from Xplor International, IDEAlliance, PCPI, and Henry Stewart.
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