BCC Software’s Information Exchange: The Power of Mailing, Peer-to-Peer Learning and Partnership

2019 BCC Software’s Information Exchange

Information Exchange 2020 – Cancelled

It is only after much deliberation, and with great disappointment, that we are sorry to announce that BCC Software has decided to cancel Information Exchange for 2020. This is not a decision that was made lightly. To maintain the continued health and safety of our customers and employees, however, we are confident that this is the correct decision.

We recognize that often the most valuable parts of the conference are outside the official sessions – in conversations among attendees, partners, and BCC Software employees. With the uncertainty around travel restrictions and potential limitations on gatherings here in New York, we felt it was necessary to cancel this year’s conference rather than host sessions that would limit the interaction that is so crucial to the conference.

That said, in an effort to remain connected, we will be hosting a free webinar on Wednesday, August 12th at 2pm EDT to explore the impact the pandemic has had on the industry at large, take stock of how the industry has managed the uncertainty, and looking forward to what we can do to prepare for the Fall mailing season.

During this 90-minute webinar, BCC Software’s President, Chris Lien, will be joined by Steve Monteith – Vice President, Marketing with the USPS®, Mike Plunkett – President and CEO of Postcom, and Carlos Moreno – Director of Postal Compliance and Mailing Services with Shawmut Communications Group.

This August marked another BCC Software Information Exchange; a conference focused on their software users, the mailing market and connection to solutions that will add value. As sponsors, we were excited to attend with our Solimar Systems team. The conference is a manageable two-days away from the office, even for the busiest of print and mailers, and also offered an optional third day of hands-on lab training at the BCC Software office in Rochester, NY.

Held from August 5th to August 8th, they offer business travelers the ability to get into Rochester early or late with a friendly networking event at the hotel’s restaurant the first night. Casual, but with great patio weather, it was an opportunity to meet previous attendees and new alike.

The real meat of the conference starts with breakfast and then the opening session the next day at the Brook-Lea Country Club. This year the conference grew significantly…early thoughts shared said growth was around 35-40%; some of which was attributed to the additional attendance from the Satori Software acquisition from Quadient.

Some might ask, what really sets this user conference apart from others? For one, there aren’t that many user conferences that focus on mailing software, postal regulations and how it interconnects to other composition and printing software. Second, is the engagement from the users. From the networking to breakfast and throughout the conference, the attendees were willing to chat and tell you what their companies did and what their part was in the process. Finally, the opportunity to learn. The mailing industry has a lot of pieces and parts—and from the presentation from Marc McCreary, USPS, there are a lot of changes coming to help benefit volume mailers.

Another highlight of the show was the live BCC Software Industry Corner Podcast. Chris Lien, BCC Software’s President, and Anita Pursley, BCC Software’s Senior Manager of Industry Affairs, discussed many topics related to the postal industry, what they are hearing as part of influential organizations like MTAC and how all of this impacts users of BCC Software and the greater print and mail industry as a whole. If you haven’t listened to the Industry Corner Podcast, check those out here.

Here are the take-aways for those of you reading this article:

  1. If you aren’t using a postal software like BCC for your address cleansing and postal optimization and are instead just sending your mail to a presort house; we challenge you to at least look at the opportunity. In the case studies mentioned above, our mutual clients have seen dollar and time/people savings that not only pays for the solution but also provides long-term value to the organization.
  2. You will have the opportunity to learn more at next year’s information exchange.

For more information, please feel free to reach out to our team here at Solimar Systems. We would be happy to share with you how print and delivery workflow software integrates and creates values with key partners like that of BCC Software. Contact us today and start your journey to bringing Chemistry™ to your print and mail environment.


Jonathan Malone McGrew

Jonathan Malone-McGrew

Senior Director, Engagement – Solimar Systems

About the Author
With family roots in the print and digital communications space, Jonathan brings an understanding of client and partner environments, technologies and the resulting challenges. Responsible for partner and client engagement, he is always willing to lend his expertise.

For more information, call the Solimar Sales Team at +1.619.849.2800.