Companies today need flexible and efficient production print workflows to stay competitive. Solimar Systems’ “any to any” solutions allow you to optimize your workflow by seamlessly converting data between formats and platforms. This improves productivity and reduces costs.
Support Legacy Systems While Leveraging New Technology
Solimar’s print server solutions act as a bridge, allowing you to:
- Extend the life of legacy systems by driving new production printers
- Support newer file formats on older legacy printers
- Consolidate workflows by sharing files between platforms
A Solimar customer stated: “With iCONVERT, we are able to simplify and standardize our environment while simultaneously saving large sums of money.”
By eliminating the need for costly legacy hardware and streamlining your workflow, Solimar’s solutions save you money upfront while providing ongoing savings in management overhead.
Centralize and Simplify Print Management
With Solimar, customers can centralize control of their production printing to simplify management and monitoring. Benefits include:
- Load balancing jobs across printers
- Resource management from a central server
- Tracking and managing jobs across platforms
One operations manager reported: “If we get one printer backed up, we can grab the job and drag it to another printer…We have the flexibility of simply moving jobs to where we need them.”
By leveraging Solimar to combine previously siloed workflows, you gain production flexibility and resilience.
Drive Multiple Processes from a Single Print Job
Solimar enables a “print once” model where a single print job can feed hard copy output as well as:
- Archiving for reprints
- eDelivery formats
- Transpromotional documents
- Postal pre-processing
You save time and money by not having to restart print jobs from the host system each time you need output. One customer stated: “Using Solimar significantly reduces development time…it is cost-effective and operator-friendly. Solimar is now part of our strategic architecture.”
Prep Documents for Seamless Output
Solimar can optimize print files on the fly to remove production bottlenecks. This includes:
- Rotating or scaling resources to match printer capabilities
- Adding, changing, or removing barcodes for postal and finishing devices
- Dynamically imposing documents, based on a JDF job ticket, for mixed printer/press facilities
- Embedding fonts and eliminating redundant downloads
- Smart batching of like work and small print jobs for efficient production printing
The result is rated speed output even from non-optimized files. A VP reported: “The built-in system control, management, and automation functionality of the Solimar solution allows us to operate faster and more efficiently.”
A Future-Proof Solution
With frequent mergers and changes in technology, production workflows need to adapt quickly. Solimar allows you to:
- Consolidate workflows from merged companies
- Mix and match printer platforms to leverage investments
- Quickly deploy new software and printers
As one operations manager for an acquiring company put it: “This solution is ideal for our business because as we acquire new companies, we can transport their applications and incorporate their host systems right into our current environment. We are now postured for acquisitions.”