Solimar's Green Initiative - ecoActive
Solimar Systems is committed to helping clients save money, gain profitability, and help the environment with “green” initiatives.
Many of our SolimarShorts cover these topics so you can see the power of Solimar solutions and the benefits these business process improvements can bring to your environment. Please feel free to call your Solimar Account Manager or our Technical Sales Team at 619.849.2800 to learn more.
Our solutions help automate processes for positive results:
Reduce Waste and Extra Mail Pieces
- Address Cleanse/Sort to reduce undeliverable mail
- Pull undeliverables prior to mailing
- Householding
Segment output to facilities at the closest delivery points
- Apply “onserts” and remove pre-printed inserts
- Support “pull lists”
- Implement e-Delivery options based on consumer preferences to reduce unwanted hardcopy output
Maximize postal rates for each mailpiece
- Optimized reprints (only reprint exactly what is needed)
- Route reprints to desktop printers whenever possible
- Leverage Transpromotional Strategies
Enable electronic job approval, validation and testing workflows
- Offer client “proofs” in PDF formats/electronic approval processes
- Support customer’s 3rd party archive system requirements
- Remove pages from output, i.e. boilerplates, and add reference links
Solar Energy System Produces Clean Green Power for the Company’s Operations
One of the first of its kind in downtown San Diego, Solimar’s photovoltaic (PV) solar installation is a 55kW (DC)/ 49kW (AC) system and is expected to produce 80,489kWh of locally produced, clean, renewable electricity each year.
The system’s 25-year operational offset is expected to eliminate:
- 1,704 tons of CO2 (the leading greenhouse gas)
- 4.7 tons of NOX (which creates smog)
- 6.3 tons on SO2 (which causes acid rain)
The Solimar solar energy installation is the environmental equivalent of:
- 29 acres of trees planted
- 5,756,829 automobile miles not driven

The PV solar system represents a renewable energy source that is consistent with Solimar’s ecoActive™ initiative. This initiative focuses on safeguarding the environment by developing and deploying award winning output management solutions that optimize document delivery processes and enable Solimar customers to reduce their carbon footprint by reducing paper use, electricity, printer chemicals, gasoline, and CO2 emissions.