Solimar Print Director Enterprise (SPDE) Conversion Modules
In addition to physically communicating with host systems and printers, the Solimar Print Director Enterprise’s (SPDE) printer emulations are second to none! Not a simulator, not a translator, or a crude system scripting tool, SPDE’s conversions truly emulate the Print Description Languages (PDLs) listed below.
Data streams and resources are automatically converted into new printer languages for the target printers or other output destinations. The emulation modules do not require any changes to be made to the application generating the print data. With SPDE, the way printing is accomplished today can be the same tomorrow, but on new or different output devices.
Supported Conversion Chart

SPDE Modules
3211 to ASCII Conversion Module
Converts 3211 line printer data into ASCII data for printing applications on PCL or PostScript printers.
AFPDS Conversion Modules
Converts AFPDS data streams and resources to IPDS, Portable Document Format (PDF) or composite PostScript.
ASCII to 3211 Conversion Module
Converts ASCII text files into 3211 format for printing on BUS/TAG channel attached printers.
PCL Module
Enables printing PCL applications onto Xerox LPS printers by converting the print data and resources into Xerox Metacode.
PDF Modules
Enables printing PDF documents onto printers that support AFPDS, Xerox Metacode, PostScript or IPDS, and archiving systems that accept TIFF files.
PostScript Modules
Enables printing PostScript applications onto production and distributed printers that support AFPDS, PostScript, Xerox Metacode, or IPDS print streams and archiving systems that support TIFF or PDF files.
ReadyPDF Optimization Module
ReadyPDF delivers critical PDF resource and content optimization capability for high-volume printing and e-delivery including variable marketing and transactional workflows.
Converts mainframe and Xerox LCDS/Metacode applications for distribution to printers that support PostScript, PCL, IPDS, and viewing stations that support PDF.
Converting AFP Data
iCONVERT is unique print server technology that can be integrated with the Solimar® Print Director™ Enterprise (SPDE) or run as a stand alone system. The system communicates with host systems and appears as IPDS devices or LUs. iCONVERT dynamically transforms AFP reports into a variety of other print languages and routes the resulting data to distributed network and production printers, archiving systems, and viewing stations. The system includes advanced job management capabilities including job parsing, file naming, and load balancing.
Converting VIPP Data
SOLscript is a PostScript preamble that emulates and optimizes Xerox VIPP® software, extending the reach of VIPP applications to virtually all types and brands of workgroup and production printers, as well as ERM/COLD systems. SOLscript runs with the PostScript emulation modules of the Solimar® Print Director™ Enterprise (SPDE) solution, and enables users to reproduce VIPP applications on a variety of devices, including those that support PostScript, PDF, PCL, IPDS, Metacode or TIFF.
We were able to reduce our customer project turnaround time by 75%...other automated improvements helped increase our production output by approximately 200%Anthony Fenner, Manager Application Development Apex Information Technologies
With the built-in software automation, the Solimar solution has increased our overall output production by 15%Alvaro Diaz, General Manager AMF Impresion Variable S. A